从 oracle 数据库导数到到 hive 大数据平台,需要按照大数据平台的数据规范,重新生成建表的 SQL 语句,方便其间,写了一个自动生成SQL的存储过程。
① 创建一张表,用来存储源表的结构,以便进行数据处理(可以用临时表,创建表是为了方便核对数据);
1 create table T_P_TABLE_NAME_TEMP2 (3 owner VARCHAR2(30) not null,4 table_name VARCHAR2(30) not null,5 tab_comments VARCHAR2(4000),6 column_name VARCHAR2(30) not null,7 data_type VARCHAR2(106),8 col_comments VARCHAR2(4000)9 );
② 还需要一张表来存储生成的SQL语句。
1 -- Create table 2 create table T_SQL 3 ( 4 scsj DATE, 5 sqlyj VARCHAR2(4000), 6 table_name VARCHAR2(100) not null, 7 mxyj VARCHAR2(4000) 8 ) 9 -- Add comments to the columns 10 comment on column T_SQL.scsj11 is '生成时间';12 comment on column T_SQL.sqlyj13 is 'SQL语句';14 comment on column T_SQL.table_name15 is '表名';
③ 存储过程代码。
1 create or replace procedure p_ddpt_sql_init(p_table_name varchar2, --输入表名,必须大写 2 p_error_no out int, --错误编号 3 p_error_info out varchar2 --错误信息 4 ) 5 6 --调度平台 建表语句生成 7 8 as 9 nb_begindate date; 10 nb_enddate date; 11 v_count number; 12 13 v_update_sql varchar(2000); 14 v_temp_sql varchar(2000); 15 v_detail_sql varchar(2000); 16 v_out_sql varchar(2000); 17 18 v_owner varchar(2000); 19 v_table_name varchar(2000); 20 v_tab_comments varchar(2000); 21 v_column_name varchar(2000); 22 v_data_type varchar(2000); 23 v_col_comments varchar(2000); 24 begin 25 26 p_error_no := 0; 27 p_error_info := ''; 28 29 nb_begindate := sysdate; 30 31 v_out_sql := 'use dm_mms;'||chr(13)|| 32 'drop table '||p_table_name||';'||chr(13)|| 33 'create table '||p_table_name||'('||chr(13); 34 35 execute immediate 'truncate table t_p_table_name_temp'; 36 37 insert into t_p_table_name_temp 38 (owner, table_name, tab_comments, column_name, data_type, col_comments) 39 select a.owner, 40 a.table_name, 41 c.comments tab_comments, 42 a.column_name, 43 a.data_type, 44 b.comments col_comments 45 from all_tab_columns a, all_col_comments b, all_tab_comments c 46 where a.table_name = b.table_name 47 and a.owner = b.owner 48 and a.column_name = b.column_name 49 and a.table_name = c.table_name 50 and a.owner = c.owner 51 and c.table_type = 'TABLE' 52 and a.table_name = p_table_name 53 order by a.table_name; 54 commit; 55 56 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where data_type = 'VARCHAR2'; 57 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'double' where data_type = 'NUMBER'; 58 commit; 59 60 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'YGBH'; 61 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'DWBH'; 62 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'FGS'; 63 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'KHYF'; 64 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'SFYL'; 65 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'RSSJ'; 66 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'YLSC'; 67 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'YGZT'; 68 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'SYYLYF'; 69 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'YGLX'; 70 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'KHBH'; 71 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'CSMRZ'; 72 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name = 'CSLX'; 73 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name like '%YF'; 74 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name like '%RQ'; 75 update t_p_table_name_temp set data_type = 'string' where column_name like '%BH'; 76 commit; 77 78 --v_update_sql := 'update'|| p_table_name || ' set yj=replace(yj,''chr(13)'',chr(13)) where table_name = '''||p_table_name ||''''; 79 dbms_output.put_line(v_update_sql); 80 81 for c_row in (SELECT * FROM t_p_table_name_temp) 82 loop 83 84 v_owner := c_row.owner; 85 v_table_name := c_row.table_name; 86 v_tab_comments := c_row.tab_comments; 87 v_column_name := c_row.column_name; 88 v_data_type := c_row.data_type; 89 v_col_comments := c_row.col_comments; 90 91 if v_temp_sql is null then 92 v_temp_sql := v_column_name ||' '||v_data_type || ' comment '||'"'||v_col_comments||'"'; 93 v_detail_sql := v_column_name; 94 else 95 v_temp_sql := v_temp_sql ||','||chr(13) || v_column_name ||' '||v_data_type || ' comment '||'"'||v_col_comments||'"'; 96 v_detail_sql := v_detail_sql||',' || chr(13) || v_column_name; 97 end if; 98 99 end loop;100 101 --select distinct tab_comments into v_tab_comments from t_p_table_name_temp;102 103 v_out_sql := v_out_sql || v_temp_sql ||') '||chr(13) ||'comment '||'"'|| v_tab_comments||'"'||chr(13);104 v_detail_sql := 'select ' || chr(13) || v_detail_sql || ' from '|| v_owner ||'.' ||v_table_name;105 106 v_out_sql:=v_out_sql||'partitioned by(busi_date string) '||';';107 108 109 110 nb_enddate := sysdate;111 112 delete t_sql where table_name = p_table_name;113 insert into t_sql114 (scsj, sqlyj, table_name, mxyj)115 values116 (nb_enddate, v_out_sql, p_table_name, v_detail_sql);117 commit; 118 119 p_error_no := 1;120 p_error_info := '调度平台建表语句生成成功!';121 --p_insert_log_info('', nb_begindate, nb_enddate, '调度平台SQL语句生成', 'p_ddpt_sql_init', p_error_no, p_error_info);122 exception123 when others then124 p_error_no := -1;125 p_error_info := '调度平台建表语句生成失败!' || sqlerrm;126 --p_insert_log_info('', nb_begindate, nb_enddate, '奖励38 调度平台SQL语句生成', 'p_ddpt_sql_init', p_error_no, p_error_info);127 rollback;128 end p_ddpt_sql_init;